Saturday, June 23, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review

So, we just got our hands on the new Samsung Galaxy S3 from AT&T, and it's a hot little number indeed. First off the general specs on this bad boy:

  • 4G LTE
  • 4.8" Super AMOLED screen (720x1280)
  • 16GB Internal Storage
  • 2GB RAM
  • Dual-Core 1.5 GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor
  • 8MP Camera with 1080P video recording
  • 1.9MP Front facing Camera
  • Android 4.0

 I'm not going to bore you with a play by play of stuff you've probable already read, or probably know, I just want to speak on the major improvements that make this phone so good.

To begin, I have to start with something that always irked me about AT&T phones in the past. The fact that every phone that was not the iPhone always got shoved inside some gross looking orange and white AT&T box, even if they had the fancier boxes in Europe or what not, when they came stateside, it was always in a rinky-dink crappy looking box. Except for the iPhone, they always had the fancier packaging. Now I know this is a real nerd thing to complain about, but you know what, if we're paying big bucks for these phones, I would at least appreciate some more premium looking packaging to ease the pain of the bill. Anyways, they finally got it right!! The Galaxy S3 comes in a smooth all white affair, with a slipcase, it just screams premium, and I for one LOVE it!

So right off the bat we've got this HUGE screen, that's just plain awesome. The responsiveness of it, is right on par with the iPhone, and its just a thing of beauty to see. The size sounds large on paper, and it is almost 5 inches, but the way the phone is rounded at the edges really make this thing comfortable in my hands and pockets.

Next up, the camera, what used to be a sore spot for the Galaxy S2 owners is now right up there with again, the iPhone. It's fast, it takes great looking shots. Its a top notch camera for once, I'm talking near DSLR speed shots.

Then there's the 4G LTE, I don't live in an area with AT&T 4G yet, but it does seem faster than the old HSPA of the Galaxy S2.

The last bit I've just got to rant on, is the battery life, my old Galaxy S2 would sometimes die before midday, the S3, so far, can take a licking and keep going, I'm talking real world all day use here. It's about time!

So, if you're in the market for a new smartphone, the new king has arrived, run to your wireless provider and snatch up a Galaxy S3, its the best Android phone on the market today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ripping DVDs to MP4 Files for your iPad

This little article is for those like me, who have an abundance of DVDs and would like to get them in a digital format to enjoy on your various tablets, mobile phones and etc. The title of the article indicates it's only for iPad, but in truth this stuff is pretty universal, and the file you get can be used on a variety of devices, that being said, here's what you're going to need.

DVDShrink - an oldie, but a goodie. Used to rip the contents of the DVD. A quick google search should turn up what you need, I'd recommend sticking with the second or third result, and not the site, as it seems to be mostly Spam now.

Handbrake- from This is what we will use to turn the multiple files we get from the DVD rip, into one nice and neat .Mp4 video file.

First we start with DVDShrink:

Open disc, let it anylze, then click Re-Author, and on the right side of the program under the DVD Browser tab, you will see basically a list of all the video content of the disc, look for the one that says Main Movie.

Drag it over to the left side. Then click on the Backup button. Create a target folder to dump the files into, and then wait 10-20 minutes depending on the speed of your computer, and then you're done.

When it’s all finished simply click ok to close the program, now unto Handbrake!


Start by selecting the type of device you want the movie file to play on, HB does a great job of auto selecting the correct resolutions and whatnot. Then select the source folder, which will be the output folder we chose in Dvdshrink.

Next select the destination folder, and give the output file a name, then click ok, simply click Start and you’re good to go. (another 10-20 minute wait)

The resulting mp4 file can then be copied to your tablet or phone via windows explorer, or imported into iTunes and synced to your IOS device, and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Samsung Galaxy SII ICS Update Leak

It's happened, the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS has been leaked and is available for those adventurous among us. here

Pretty quick and painless a process. I've done it, and I've gotta say, so far, nothing too mind blowing. Understandably, this is because of Samsung's TouchWiz UI is still on top of it, but still I'm a little unimpressed. Aside from a few minor changes to the UI, in the way of lockscreen, and other minor changes, it still looks more or less like the Old Droid/TouchWiz interface we've all had for a while. Although the new multitask management, with thumbnails of the running apps is nice.

Granted, I've only had it on for less than a day here, there may be more to love once I start using it proper. But in the interim, if you've been waiting for AT&T to bring it out, or just want to try a slightly newer OS on your phone, check it out, its easy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Diablo 3 Pre-Orders are a go

So pretty much one of the hottest games ever has finally gotten itself a sequel. Diablo III. I've got mine on lock, its about time ya'll do too! Best place to get yours is, of course at Amazon!

$10 Amazon Gift Card for only $5

In case you haven't yet heard. Today only Amazon Local is selling $10 Gift Cards to for only $5. Go Go Go!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Must have iPad Apps for the new owner

Just got yourself a new iPad? Have a gander at my selection of apps to get you started in the fun.

Flipboard - Makes your twitter feed, facebook and tons of other social media look like a magazine format, really really cool. (free)

GoodReader - .Pdf viewer/editor, great for work documents. ($5)

FlickStacker - If you are into Flickr at all, gives you better photo browsing. (free)

Dropbox - ONLY real quick way to share files between the pad and PC. (free)

Evernote - Again work related, but once you have the client on your pc, it makes sharing of emails, and documents really nice.

Credit card/banking apps - Any of your major credit cards have apps to check your balances, do transfers, and payments really easy.

Also the Numbers, Pages, and Keynote apps are kinda mandatory if you want to create Word and Excel type joints.

HBO Go, Showtime Anytime (if you subscribe to those) Full access to EVERY single episode of everyshow they ever had.

Lastly - Dolphin HD web browser, which has a nice incognito, no cookies or history option, for teh *ahems*


Words with friends HD, and Scramble with friends are fast and fun to play.

MadPad HD - is a fun app where you record several video clips of sounds or whatever, and then you basically have like a drum machine to make beats with. ($3)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Skylanders, this generation's Pokemon?

Currently invading the shores of your children's imagination and wish lists everywhere. Skylanders, the new toy/video game from Activision, combines action figures with video-games for an exciting new experience. Skylanders is a toy brand and a video game, where the action figures that you buy, 'come to life' in the video game for you to play.

The whole system works like this, you buy the Starter Pack for your game system of choice, X360, PS3, Wii, or 3DS, which comes with the game, 3 figures, and a 'portal of power'. When you place one of the figures on the portal, it comes up on the video game for you to control. As you play through the game, the figure you use  levels up, gaining new abilities and treasure, which is saved unto the physical toy, which you can then take to play at say your friend's house and play with your exact customized creature. The game is multiplayer, and you and a friend can have your figures on the portal at the same time, and can play through all the levels together. There is a slew of different figures available for you to buy separately and collect, which makes the replay-ability of the game pretty huge.

Sklyanders was released in October of 2011 and went into 'sold-out' status for the Holiday season, and has maintained it even today. I've seen individual figures on Ebay and Amazon for upwards of $80-100, so the demand right now is at a high.

Due to high sales, Activision has already announced additional new figures due out later this year to expand the game even further, so expect your coffers to be emptied by your children's demands.