Saturday, February 18, 2012

Keurig Vue

The popular single cup coffee brewer, Keurig is set to release an all new system the Keurig Vue. This new system is offering the ability to brew bigger sizes and more of a variety of drinks. Keurig says that this new brewer will offer the ability to brew larger sizes of cups/mugs with the full strength and flavor of a smaller cup.

We've had the Keurig B-70 since last year, and have loved it. There's a large variety of different flavors available as well as Iced Coffee and Hot Cocoa drink K-Cups. Now that Dunkin' Donuts has jumped unto the K-Cup, our brewer has certainly gotten a workout.

But that's where the catch is, apparently, Keurig has chose to forgo the K-Cup format with this new system, and  has introduced the Vue Pack. Meaning that the new Vue, is incompatible with your stockpile of K-Cups. Potentially a dangerous move by Keurig, segmenting your audience is generally never a good thing, but if the Vue Packs actually offer the variety in strength and drinks that they state, then only time will tell how consumers react.

Any other K-Cup drinkers out there care to share their opinion?


  1. Yeah, I'm pretty P-O'd about the whole Vue cup thing. I have like 4,368 k-cups and my freegin Kuereg took a dump. So now what. Do I go out and get the newest one and donate my k-cups to the homeless...or do I get the old out dated unreliable crappy regular Kuereg maker? Whelp, if anyone has any ideas, please hit me up. And remember...Decaf still has small traces of caffeine!

  2. Yeah, I feel your pain Willy B. This is going to fracture their consumer base and for a while possibly hurt their profits. I suspect though that they plan that the offerings in variety will help sway the old base over in a year or two.

  3. There is an adapter you can buy ($20) so that you can use your K-cups in the Vue machines! It also allows you to use bulk coffee or tea as well!
